Tuesday 29 March 2011

The golden eggs have hatched

It has been a long time since I have updated the blog - but with good reason for my absence!

After a few jittery months in the first half of the pregnancy, T finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on 17 August 2010. She came a few days early but T and G were well-prepared. T cried at the birth (Cesarean) not because of the pain but because for more than ten years it had been a difficult struggle to get pregnant, ten long years of pain and frustration and tears, and finally she gave birth.

M had a miscarriage about 2 months into her first pregnancy with my eggs, but tried again shortly after and stayed pregnant... all the way to the birth of a baby girl in September 2010. I am not told the exact date as M would still prefer everything to be anonymous. She held on to her end of the promise to inform me when the child is born - and that was it. She and I will never have any contact again. It made me a little sad at first, but a promise is a promise, and I have comfort in knowing that she is one happy mom.

As for T, the journey has just started. I went back to the UK for a holiday last autumn and held the baby girl in my arms. Did it feel weird? Not at all. I just held her like I have held every baby before, delighting in the unique "baby smell", marvelling at the tiny features and the miracle of her birth. It is all down to science, I know, but like I said before, it is almost nothing short of a miracle. I didn't think she looked like me nor her dad although she sure looked mixed (her dad is Caucasian). However T said she is an exact replica of me when I was a baby (I gave her some of my baby photos) - then again, I think all babies look alike!

Today the baby girl - let's call her S - is more than 7 months old and she is such a joy to have. She is a very happy baby, smiling and making people laugh all the time. Now, that is what I signed up for. That is why I donated my eggs. I have made a difference in this world and I have made two families very happy. What a joy that is!

This marks the end of the egg donation journey. It has been more than two years since I embarked on this wonderful period of my life and there are stretches of days when I completely forgot about this. But T is in constant touch with me and our email exchanges are filled with photos of S, which never fails to make me smile from the heart. Perhaps one day, the two (hatched) golden eggs will chance upon this blog and marvel at how tumultuous the start was and how their stories of their life began...
